INterested in sponsoring us?
We'd love to have you as an official Mighty Dub Fest sponsor, drop us a message and let's get the ball rolling!
Our packages start from £500 plus VAT.
Our target market is famlies and festival goers from Scotland and the North of England. Mainly attracting VW enthusiasts.
2021: 4,000 attendees over the weekend
2022 5,000 attendees over the weekend
2023 5,000 attendees a day
Percentage of day visitors to campers:
Campers: 70%
Day visitors: 30%
Social Platforms:
Facebook: 12,000 + likes
Instagram: 1,877+
Twitter: 2,141+
Main poster reach on Facebook:
38,000 reach
Mailing List: 8,500
Average Age: 35-54
Gender: 50/50
50% of festival goers are families
70% + of our festival-goers come from a 100-mile radius